“When I sleep, I’m still trying to win, but I can’t change a thing on my own.” The lyrics are so relatable to almost everyone at some point in their lives, whether what makes you anxious is a personal dilemma, something that involves more people and a larger cause, as in this single’s case, or even if you don’t know what the reasons are. It’s those horrible nights when you can’t sleep because your mind is racing and you feel helpless. One of the worst questions a mind may wonder is “What am I supposed to be doing now?” as if you’re trapped by a greater force “Hypothetical or actual” and can’t help but torture yourself with overthinking and guilt.
The Alt-Rock-Pop tunes make you feel like you’re barely awake at times, yet awake and irritated at other times. The cello in the intro has a dreamy feel to it. With its impassioned solo guitar and dynamic, solid drums, the instrumental interlude is flawless. Kevin’s breathy, warm, and natural vocals are a part of the soothing harmonies. His authentic voice has the capacity to sync up with the lyrics and calm your troubled mind.
Warm wishes to all troubled minds and hearts out there. May you find peace now and always.
Follow Kevin Rieth on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, and TikTok.
Viola Karmy