Usually, I believe that each phase in our lives there are some new and old people around. However, there are some people who you haven’t seen for like a decade, and they just showed up and you started to hang out again. They may disappear again or may not, maybe you build up a strong relationship, or may not. In my opinion, ‘Acquaintances’  by Avaraj described this term perfectly. 

In a style of pop-punk covered with emo-rock pop influences, Avaraj were capable of putting you in such a mood. I loved how the music is so energetic and how it portrays this kind of relationship. In fact, I didn’t imagine that a song less than 3 minutes would describe this uniquely. The singing style is pretty nice, especially the guitar lines that are doing a great harmony together. The chorus of course is the best part here and I love the melodic rockin’ transition indeed. The music video is pretty cool really, I like how it depicts this kind of friendship and I believe they did it really nicely through their dancing moves over the music. Actually, I loved how it’s described; Neither of us had the guts to find out if there was real chemistry or not, so now we’re just acquaintances with mutual friends.”Avaraj explained. Well, did we feel the same someday? This is brilliant indeed. 

Definitely, Avaraj has been added to my music library. According to press kit there will be singles and videos coming out soon, along with a debut album too. Feel the vibes below!