Caitlin Marie Kelly

Glamper is a rock trio hailing from Nashville. With mixed influences and heavy sound Cory Taylor Cox (bass/guitar/vocals), Chief Keith Herndon (bass/guitar/vocals), and Zip Hurst (drums) decided to record their first LP in August 2019 but, lucky for us it was put on hold as the pandemic hit the world in 2020 so, they decided to work more on their songs and that lead to more modifications and tweaking until “Rat Race” was out in February 2022. 

“Rat Race” hits you right in the face with its raw, punk, heavy opening title track. “Snout Skittles” acts as an interlude for the mood shifter “Snackworld” that takes the record into a more grungy sound with its cool drumline, guitar tone, and dynamics. With a rocking intro and verse riff “Klepto” kicks in, it has an overall heavy sound with its slow riffs and smooth chorus and I loved that post-chorus smart, dynamic riff. Things stay heavy with “Lose My Cool” but with Glamper trying a classic garage rock heavy riffs and catchy hooks. The grungy “Fried Bologna” comes next with catchy structure and dynamics and a heavy cool outro. Glamper decided to explore more with my personal favorite off this record “Freak Out”. They are introducing some heavy fuzzy guitars that have clear stoner vibes with those riffs, drums/bass sections with clean guitar melodies, and that fuzzy solo with a heavy riffing interlude. It shows a lot of musicianship and songwriting skills as they try different structures and arrangements. “Burger Jam” shows the improvisational, clean melodic side of Glamper as they lay some beautiful melodies with perfect guitar tone and groovy bass/drums. “Take your Cat Back” will welcome you with a heavy riff that progresses into a flowing interesting verse riff with heavy bass throughout the song all topped with some fun lyrics. To prove that those guys can do it all, they end the record with a ballad. “Stay” comes with nice progression and escalating dynamics that promises a great live experience, especially with its engaging singalong chorus and groovy outro.

 “Rat Race” is an album that’ll show you a lot of sides and sounds. It has punk, grunge, garage rock even stoner rock influences all together forming the special Glamper mix. It is heavy and rocking giving every rock fan what he/she needs and left me looking forward for their next release. Cheers!