
Emerging New York collective B0r0s have arrived on the scene with a unique musical vision. As they take on the various creative disciplines of songwriting, production, graphic design and visual art, the Javi G-founded group’s style challenges the conventions of hip-hop, pulling from pop, rock and R&B for their alternative signature. Alongside Javi, the band also benefits from the musicianship of Jaju, Eli Rozas and Jhay Nales.

With their most recent single ‘STRAIGHT OUTTA MAGAZINE’, B0r0s inject their high-octane hip-hop sensibilities into a noughties pop-punk homage. With huge riffs and raw performances, the music dives between vocals from every band member, as layers of instrumentation send a lightning strike straight into the listener. The drums are thumping, the distorted guitars fire out sleek, screaming licks and the bass has an unstoppable chug. This adrenaline-fuelled anthem is brimming with nostalgia but laces the music with just enough modern sensibilities for a great listen.

The collective shares a comment, “We wrote this record as a love letter to early 2000s pop-punk and trying to channel that energy in the modern day.”

Plus Music PR