Lorna Roberts

We can say that British singer, Ali Neil, has succeeded in giving us a wonderful Alt-Country, Indie Folk, Alt-Folk, blend, titled “Land Before Us,” that works so well, we wouldn’t think it would be his first EP.

In “Land Before Us”, Neil distinguished himself with his calm voice, which derives its calmness from the coastal environment on the East Sussex coast, and in words, sweeter, purity, and diversity like seawater, similar to its fluctuations when it expresses the lyrical state that may be accompanied by violence that you almost feel.

Neil moved steps away from the long narration and relied on his lyrical confession to intensify the image, which carries many sincere, realistic, and polished meanings with romantic feelings. He confidently dived into a side rich in details to come up with 5 amazing tracks.

In “A Place Called Winter,” he succeeded from the beginning in entering your mind through the electronic vibrations accompanying the guitar tones, and did not take time until he made wonderful musical transitions and variations, but the rhythm of the drums was perhaps a little off. The conclusion could have been shorter. But this does not mean that it is not a unique piece.

In more realistic detail, Neil takes you down the path of “A New York” and puts you in the heart of the seasonal ups and downs of his love, but firmly in a memorable and nostalgic rhythm, aided by electronic music and guitar as well.

Continuing with “Edge Of Reason,” you find yourself in front of distinct images and similes, enhanced by the musical phrases that Neil placed in the middle, which appeared through the accordion, with the guitar tones being calm until the end.

“Damn Life” makes you feel from the first second that you’ve been lost from the flock in which you are flying through Neil’s songs, but once he starts singing, you know you’re still here in “Land Before Us” because his voice returns to control the force of the rhythm and hits with fast and smooth sentences at the same time.

We conclude with the peace of “Heart Of Man” to the beat of an Indie Folk, Alt-Folk, and Alt-Country blend that puts you in a calm and relaxed state that is heightened by the sound and the lyrics. So, Ali Neil can be your go-to singer when you want to listen to a comfortable sound.

Edited by: Viola Karmy