Virginia-based heavy weights Diseased Earth are back and cementing their sludge roots with their new single “The Swamp Witch”. Released on the 22nd of November 2022, “The Swamp Witch” will take you on a heavy trip with fluidly streaming organic riffs and pure dynamic structure. Let me tell you more about it. 

Building up on their extreme sound, Diseased Earth approached “The Swamp Witch” with raw production and extremely groovy riffs with pure sludgy vibes. The well-written complex riffs with that heavy groove coming from within added lots of weight to the music, and mixing them with those deep growls took it into a deeper, darker level of hell. I loved the slow heavy pace of “The Swamp Witch”, it provided the perfect time for me to digest and interact with each riff and movement, keeping me busy head banging for the whole 3:56 minutes. About a minute towards the end, Diseased Earth switches into an even slower and denser neck-breaking groove that’ll 100% drive the audience crazy specially when played live, I can see the masses head banging from now. 

“The Swamp Witch” is a demonstration of Diseased Earth’s sludge roots, it made my sludgy taste buds head bang in pure happiness. Diseased Earth created a solid massive sounding piece, with catchy groovy flow that can’t be missed and raw, carefully crafted riffs that keep on going harder with no breaks or excuses. The way the guitars, bass, drums, and vocals are fully invested in their sound with each of them contributing to the song’s flow, produced an intense heavy sound that’ll keep the listener always coming back for more. Totally recommended, I’m always looking forward to more from Diseased Earth, cheers!

Check out all Diseased Earth previous features here.