With their new record “MEG/ \DETH TEE” set to be released on the 15th of July, 2022 Oh Lonesome Ana wasted no time and dropped their new single “Rushing Lattice” on the 17th of June, 2022. With the main theme of the record revolving around childhood traumas and either painful or joyous experiences you carry along with you, “Rushing Lattice” reaches deeper into childhood memories with an overall mellow vibe.
“Rushing Lattice” starts with a chilling dreamy intro and this mood is here to stay for a while. It has a bright breezy guitar tone that was reflected in its flowing melodic structure and its whole mood even the vocal melody was led in a lot of parts by that guitar melody although, from my humble POV, I think the vocal melody needed some dynamics to shake it off a bit instead of being a little bit steady. Its groovy floating guitar melody was backed with an interesting drumline that helped boost its groove.
“Rushing Lattice” is a promising single that’ll make me keep an eye on Oh Lonesome Ana’s upcoming album “MEG/ \DETH TEE” to see where it fits within the record’s dynamics and to see where they’ll go from there. Looking forward to more, cheers!