Hayley Phillips who goes by ‘Hail’ is a British up-and-coming artist who just released her 5th single, and the 1st single this year, which was produced by DK records. She has a powerful, open voice with a wide vocal range. She released her first two singles back in 2019 with the titles: ‘Dark Water’ and ‘Got the Faith’. Followed by ‘A Stain in Time’ in 2020 and ‘I can’t breathe’ in 2021. She was trained in classical and musical theater, yet she felt the urge to go after something more intense and darker, hence the focus on the symphonic metal genre and alternative rock. Hail is highly influenced by Amy Lee and the Evanescence vibe, in terms of musical context and her vocal performing style, while also showing resemblance to Carly Smithson from ‘We Are the Fallen’ band. 

‘Here she Lies’ emerged from a dark phase the artist went through when she wrote it back in 2021, yet the storyline is fictitious and not based on true events, but probably true and raw emotions. It opens with a guitar solo theme that repeats with the whole band ending with a pause and cut ending that leads to the start of the vocal line that takes you on a deep, dark journey yet with softness maintained throughout and an angelic-like voice aesthetic.