We’re here today with the Master DY band, a 7-member band who are extremists in thought and broke social and cultural norms. They combine different controversial elements and incorporate them into their music. Their songs and compositions are extremely rich in layers and demonstrate extensive knowledge and remarkable skills in music.
- When did you start your journey with music? Did you play with other bands before Master DY?
Yes, my career is almost 19 years old. I started in Sertanejo music when I was 16 years old, really dived into rock and metal after I was 21, and after that I had a band called Final Demand that was also formed by me. We played concerts for up to 5 thousand people in Brazil, but when the time came to record our CD the band broke up and went on hiatus. I brought it back to life last year but now I don’t participate in the formation, just the management. Also, I have my solo project that I intend to focus on different perspectives than what I do in Master Dy.
- How did the band members come together?
In the beginning I was alone, but after a few months the first member to be recruited was the first bassist called Esdras Lacerda and played the character Perseus in the band and also helped in some compositions of the first CD. Soon after first drummer Bruno (Hydra) and lead guitarist Draco came into place, the other members joined the following year and were recruited by online auditions. Nowadays, the members are in 3 different countries but the love for what we do is unparalleled because we all live for this.
- Who are the band’s main influences and inspiring artists?
At first it was Ghost, followed by Powerwolf, Dragonforce and Alice Cooper and then under the influence of our Lead Guitar also Arch Enemy and Dimmu Borgir
Was Master Dy a product of the lockdown and pandemic times?
No! Definitely not, I created Master Dy a year before the pandemic, more specifically May 19, 2019, after being stricken by a crisis of borderline disorder that almost took my life. At that moment I was listening to Ghost, that woke me up to music and I decided to try again and I started to compose the first song entitled Never Die a little afterwards. Initially the band would have my name because it is about my insistence on fighting the disease, but I decided to baptize as Master Dy because I can only have that strength, being master of myself.
- When you mentioned Satanism, is it just a subject you are discussing musically? Or do you belong to the cult?
I am not a Satanist as seen in movies or in other religious cultures, I live it in my daily life because I fully identify with it and Satanism for me is about loving yourself and putting yourself first, not an external being; I end up aggregating the images so that people who do not understand much about the subject can connect the messages I am trying to convey. I would never write about a subject that is not part of my daily life, that I don’t like or that is not part of my culture, to tell the truth I even have a certain aversion to bands that despise their own culture or feelings to explore something they don’t know just to sell CDs that destroys the romanticism of what we do.
- If so, what made you join them in the first place, and does that affect your identity as a band?
Our identity as a band comes all from my head. The bands I used as inspiration are actually things I imagined even before these bands existed and when I saw them do it before me, I was happy and started seeing them as a source of inspiration, so everything connected to the occult is closely linked to Master Dy. But as I said, this hidden force is within us and we can see it the way we want because everyone has their own view of the world. I find in this way of life how to overcome challenges and to feel strong against things or people that hurt me, and each one can find their source of strength and inspiration there. That’s what Master Dy is about; finding your own strength and move forward fighting your way.
- You also mentioned “Elements of BDSM”, what are they and how have you incorporated them into your music?
BDSM is something else that is part of me, in my most intimate moments I am a dominatrix and I think that this is somehow connected with our life force and with our daily lives. As it has to do with sex and we all know that’s why we are all here, so we can see this as the lifeblood of humanity, and BDSM itself teaches that pain and pleasure can coexist in harmony and dance together with our psychological problems, it can even be therapy for many people. I am domineering but only of those who accept it, because in addition to being a rule in BDSM it is also one of the commandments of Satanism – not to make sexual advances without consent. A Satanist cannot practice sexual violence for example because it puts him in a position to beg or demand love, something we don’t do for anyone!
- Where and how do you think Satanism and BDSM meet? And do you believe they are related to each other, socially or culturally?
Continuing the subject of the previous question, the way of interacting with pain and pleasure in the same scenario makes the individual stronger, both for those who receive the punishments and for the one who applies the punishments. It is not easy to simply inflict pain on another person, it’s something that requires preparation and control of things that are also part of the life of a Satanist. This topic is controversial because it has been demonized by many histories, cultures and religions, but in fact Satanism is an effective way to maintain control over one’s life and emotions, just like BDSM it makes one the complement of the other.
- Can you guide us in your creative process? How do you create the themes of your songs?
Usually my creative process is linked to my emotional state, I don’t do anything meeting deadlines like other bands impose. I compose in moments of crisis and they can be good or bad; everything you listen in Master Dy has to do with me in some way, it’s not stories told to deceive the fans, it’s my thoughts that I put out in the hope of finding like-minded people, and with this I try to feel less alone in the world, because this disease makes me feel very lonely. Fortunately, after I found my current fiancé Flavio Kebras, who is also an artist and also suffers from the same problem, I’ve gained more strength to fight, but I’m still in this fight, it doesn’t stop! So I transfer it all to music!
- How was the production of ‘Call Me Master’ different from your previous album released in 2021?
Well the first album was produced by our friend Bruno Silva from HNM entertainment studio and at that moment we liked his vision and launched the album with him. In this second album we are recording and mixing inside DyMM P&M where I am the CEO, so the vision of our producer – who happens to be my fiancé Flávio Kebras – is different from Bruno and we wanted to test that in this new CD.
And I would like if possible to make a final consideration; today is my birthday, and also the launch of “Call Me Master” and I just have to thank all the fans who have supported us and listened to us so far, the messages I receive from people with similar problems with mine, and I want to leave this space open for those who have problems with personality disorders. If one day you want or need, you can send messages to our band and vent your feelings, we are together against this disease!