JIMBO was founded in 2017 after guitarist Joe Narducci and drummer Jacob Tessier met in a stairwell on their way to an audition for a university music club. Shortly after meeting each other, they joined up with bassist and vocalist Alex Van Der Heyden to complete their sound. Within no time at all, the three had made a name for themselves in the Kingston, Ontario, music scene. In 2022, JIMBO added guitarist and vocalist Claudia Northey who has helped JIMBO reach new heights musically.

Their new song “Ship I Can Sink” is a cheeky take on a breakup song, and a literal pun on a “relation-ship.” Lyrically, the song tries to capture this realization and acceptance while shrouded in a generous dose of self-pity.

This song, like many melodramatic numbers, is in response to a break up that Van Der Heyden experienced last summer. It is possible that a relationship, romantic or other, can bring out the worst in you and though you are committed and comfortable in a certain place with their company, the only way to make change is to sever that person from your life. To draw on “Ship I Can Sink,” Van Der Heyden felt as though during the relationship’s course that he had lost himself at sea and it was time that he went down with my ship.

Auteur Research