For all the people out there that were kids in the 90s and 2000s… if you can’t find a time machine till now…we think we found the closest thing so far…it’s Moody Mac’s latest single “Any Longer”.
“Any Longer” is a flashback to the good ol times, but with a modern twist on both the musical and lyrical parts.
It’s a very fresh and welcome fusion between hip-hop, rock, punk and modern trendy musical elements..
With punk guitar riffs and hard hip-hop beats, it’s absolutely fresh…and something that is much needed in a world of ‘copy paste’ in every industry, Moody Mac gives us a fresh breath of air that we’ve been holding our breaths for…for so long.
Moody Mac is based in Munich, Germany and he’s reaching people all over the world through his music…
“Any Longer” tells the story of Moody Mac’s hard times during his substance abuse while living in California…and how this past life of him was a very dark place…and above all Moody sees that he has a duty to reach out and connect with people who might be going through the same things that he went through…he wants to help out through his music.
Having a talent is really good…but for this talented person to really be a great person, that person needs to utilize this talent for good and help the world be a better place…this is what Moody is doing exactly.
The song has very strong 90s and 2000s feelings within its 3 minutes runtime.
Vocals has the date 1995 written all over it…its punk performance is instantly classic and is an absolute hook that will catch you off guard.
“Any Longer” has a very powerful chorus that transcends and goes completely 90s, even though the song has newer elements that are trendy and current.
Moody Mac, you’ve transported us to the best time of our lives, thank you for that.
Can’t wait to see where you’ll take us next with your future releases.
Wishing you all the best.