Ways In Waves is the brainchild of Brian Raine, a multi-instrumentalist and music producer living out of Edmonton, Alberta. His project combines aspects of rock, art-pop, and electronic music together into a mixture that propels the listener through controlled chaos.
The song “Ovum Nova” initially began as a project with the YouTuber known as Polyphonic who also created the music video for the band’s last single “Who in War.” Noah of Polyphonic is an incredibly prolific visual artist, and for years now he’s been making album covers for bands that don’t exist. Brian and Noah thought it would be fun to put music to these, and “Ovum Nova” actually began as a single from one of these fake bands called The Ptarmigans.
For Brian, it’s amusing that it almost feels like he’s stealing from the fake band, The Ptarmigans, somehow in releasing this song. It really felt like he was able to harness a different element of his creativity given this slightly absurd premise.
“Oftentimes, when I’ve had to confront grief in my life, I’ve found that it’s tough to put your finger on how it’s going to manifest, when it’s going to show its face, and how to deal with it,” says songwriter Brian Raine. “To have coherent words expressing this just seemed so antithetical to the ethos of this song. And so I made ‘Ovum Nova’ into an incoherent expression of grief. The lyrics speak about futures that could have been, the futile process of seeking solace and not finding it, all within the mood of being trapped at a house party in a thunderstorm. Counter-intuitively, the song is very energetic, and one of the more punk influenced things I’ve written, which serves as a sort of facade for these very sad lyrics to hide behind.”
Ovum nova ahead
Over nothing again
I should’ve loved you instead

Originally hailing from Yellowknife, NT, Brian Raine began playing music when he was four years old, and it became his singular focus before moving down to Alberta to study music at MacEwan University. There, he began developing the project that would eventually become Ways In Waves. Raine chose to focus the project into a tighter, brighter, more aggressive sound. Combining aspects of rock, art-pop, and electronic music together into a mixture that propels the listener through controlled chaos.